Wholesale ELiquid
Double your margins, half your retail price.
- Industry Leading Margins
- Free Shipping
- Easy to use "Quickorder" form
- Earn 2% Loyalty Rewards
- $100 New Customer Bonus

We're not just another E-Juice brand that has no idea what retail is like. We know your struggles. We opened our first vape shop in 2011, back when they weren't even called vape shops yet. We've been through it all. We understand.
We know that every time "premium" brands drop their prices to compete with the online market, your margins stay the same and you take the biggest hit to your bottom line, not them.
That's why our wholesale vape juice offers the best margins in the industry. That's before we talk about high volume price breaks or loyalty points. That's right, even our wholesale ejuice customers collect reward points.
So how about we quit lining the big ejuice companies' pockets while you struggle to keep the lights on? Stop working for them, and try out a brand that works for you.