HypeBy ELiquid Depot

Marshmellow cereal donut with ice cream
- Flavor Profile 1 Breakfast
- Flavor Profile 2 Dessert
- Flavor Profile 3 Creamy
Taler A.
I absolutely love this flavor. I am super picky with juices. I have ordered countless juices and most end up in a box left to be forgotten. This juice is delicious, definitely ADV worthy and for the price, it's unbeatable. Eliquid Depot, you got a customer for life from me! |
Vaughn P.
Not much marshmallow or ice cream flavor, too much cereal. Very harsh at 3mg. The cereal flavor takes over and has a harsh throat hit. |
Damian G.
I was using the much more expensive and hard to find "Treats" and this flavor is better. Its added flavor of donut really made it top notch but I don't really taste the ice cream. Also the price is unbeatable so if yyou like "treats" then switch to this |
Ryan D.
This is my favorite juice from ELD. Perfect for me. Ice cream with a cereal doughnut finish. You can definitely smell and taste the ice cream, it's superb. Not too strong of a cereal flavour, but it is in the background. This juice is a perfect ADV, and was a pleasant surprise. Excellent juice. |
Heather S.
One of my favorite. It is sweet but not too sweet. You will want in your regular rotation. |
Brandon H.
So good! This is a new flavor from them and I thought that I would try it out. It is so so good. The ice-cream finish is fantastic. If you have ever tried the flavor "Treats" then you will love this. |